So that's why we're doing this blog. We love the Caps. Period. And we're sure you do too.
Oh and we have do have some rules:
1. No hating on Malkin unless it's a Pens/Caps game. Yea we hate the rest of his team and wish he was on ours but we can't help but secretly love him. I mean, look at him.awwww
We hope you understand. Like, we're pretty sure the guy has a part time job as a teddy bear.
2. If you hate on a Pens player who isn't named Malkin, preferrably Cindy Crysby, WE CONGRATULATE YOU.Way to go, Denny!
3. Like=Laich
as in:
I really like cake=I really laich cake.
Just in case we accidentally use that. k just for clarification.
4. For those of you who don't know what a fiend is, my friend Merriam Webster told me it is an addict or a person extremely devoted to a pursuit or study. It also can refer to a person of great wickedness or maliciousness. But we're not blogging only about Alexander Semin's wickedness and toughness....
Sorry, Sasha, we couldn't help it. too epic.
5. Varlamov is a beast. He hides under your bed during the day, and when you sleep he comes out and haunts you. If you throw your teddy bear at him, he will catch it, because if he can stop that Cindy Crysby goal, he can stop your teddy bear. He will then proceed to speak to you in Russian and stop a few more teddy bears/pillows along the way. That is how beastly Varly is.
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