You can let Justin know what you’re doing to help eliminate digital abuse over at Draw Your Line, MTV’s virtual map tracking actions across the country. Every time you contribute, you are entered to win the grand prize, which will get you a trip for two and backstage access to MTV’s “The Seven” as well as a personalized voicemail greeting recorded by Bieber himself.
Check out the different types of action you can take in order to cut down on digital abuse in your life and in the lives of others. Every little bit counts, and small actions can add up to big effects.
Here are a few ways you can take action against digital abuse and then enter for a chance to win:
Get the facts. The line between what's OK online and what's not gets blurrier every day. Get the facts on things like constant messaging, online spying and digital disrespect from A Thin Line and Facebook's Safety Center. "Like" the Safety Page on Facebook to get updates in your news feed on all the latest.
Be smart. Your Facebook password should be eight or more characters and a combo of upper and lowercase letters plus numbers and at least one other symbol. If your password doesn't meet these requirements, you should change it. Remember: never share it!
Help others. Be supportive of your Facebook friends. If they're getting trashed or harassed on Facebook, step in or, if it's really bad, report the abuse. A Thin Line has more tips for taking control of your digital domain.
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