All kidding aside, kazakstan actually does have a decent hockey team (they typically bounce back and forth from the top ten 'A' pool to the 11-20 team 'B' pool). We even had our very own Kazakstani on ice for one of our "hockey night in Pforzheim" nights, our main man Leo! Unfortunatly Leo's skating was less than perfect as his knees, elbows and other limbs seemed to constantly beat down on the ice (or was it the other way around?? ;-)
I guess I didn't put all kidding aside...
Leo's the only man I know that can down a bottle of vodka and still score a deuce of Russians after the guantlet had been laid down with an early night pickup by one of his other mates. Cheers to you Leo, we'll have to have that rematch (both on and off the icegames) again soon! :-)
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