Thursday, October 23, 2008

October Update

Hi Everyone,

I am starting to get comments about no here it is. Earl is doing very very well, and recovering and getting stronger everyday. Tomorrow is a big day, as the prothesist will begin the process of making a prosthetic leg for Earl. It starts off with a 3 hour appt, where they will create a casting from which they can make the leg. It will be somewhat cumbersome but whatever it takes Earl is prepared to give it all he has. He has been attending Rehab 3x a week and is showing signs of getting stronger. It's actually pretty humorous to watch him as he flexes his muscles in the mirror, hoping to see a visible change. It takes a while Earl!!!!! Even though he is getting stronger each day, he still gets very tired and is sleeping 12-14 hours a day some days. The medications he is taking for pain really drain him of energy. His movement specialist has started to take him off one of the medications that controls his tics, so that is taking a little toll on him also. This poor guy, nothing every seems easy for him.

We are getting very excited about our upcoming trip to Detroit. We have been in contact with Mike Babcock the coach and he has invited Earl to come down to Joe Louis Arena for the morning skate on each of the two games days, for a Saturday practice and at some point time to hang out in the dressing room with the players. When Earl heard the plans, he was shivering with excitement and it is so much fun to watch him as the anticipation grows. He has now started converting days to minutes. Earl doesn't count sleeps...he counts days broken down in minutes.

He keeps himself pretty busy and manages to get out everyday. He tries to have 2 walks a day and can be seen by many of his friends walking down the street in our community of Whyte Ridge. He says he often gets invitations for a ride home, but declines telling them that he needs to get strong so that his prosthetic will be successful.

We had some sad news recently about our friend Andi, who is a young lady (18) and is battling cancer. She has been switched to palative care and is experiencing much pain as the cancer rages through her less than 100 lb body. Please keep her and her family in your prayers and think of Earl as well, because this is very hard on him. He is such a sensitive guy and finds the thought of his friends being so sick unbearable at times. The other night when we got news from Andi's mom, he broke down in tears as he reached for me to hug him.

Take care and please try and keep in touch....Earl is missing phone calls from many of you!

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