Monday, March 5, 2007

Just Another Toronto Night Out

Damn, I've really gotta stop doing this. Calling up my friends in Toronto to hook up for "one beer" while watching the hockey game and then... 6am crawling home. What am I talking about?! What a great night!! :-)

It all started with a $50 Nike scarf, bought in Moskow and made somewhere in China. What style!

Well that about does it for photos that are tastfully able to be posted, I guess you'll have to use your imagination for the rest. To aid in your cause, imagine what it's like for a bunch of guys to drink this much beer:

...and requiring to pay the cab driver $5 to stop the taxi just so you can get out and pee... on some random house downtown T-dot! And that wasn't even half way through the night!

Oh what shame, what shame! Can't wait until next weekend ;-)

Update: The end of the video seems to be cut off, in answer to the statement "you just paid the cabbi 5 bucks to pee!" Stevie responds with "I paid him 20". Hilarious.

Update 2: Rumour has it that I was dancing to "I'm too sexy" on top of the bar at Jack Astors. The rumours are true, I even rubbed some guys bald head :-)

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