So here's a quick photosnapshot of how great San Fran was (more to cum):
Want a workout? Try trekking through San Fran all day. The hills are killer on the knees!
Of course I checked out the local tourist hot spots, including the warf. Ok that's enough of that...
There's also lots of hidden treasures around the various parks and plaza's around the city:
Another great hide away, and fantastic spot for a pint I might add:
There's nothing like a lazy afternoon nap :-)
Love the sea lions. I sat here having lunch and could have let them entertain me all day:
The Art Museum, very cool:
Five hours after leaving the downtown core I finally arrived at the Golden Gate Bridge. Way more impressive in movies and TV than in real life. Well cross that one off the list:
Looks like rain, the view of the city from the GG Bridge:
The rain threatened to move in but the surfers were happier than ever as the waves started rolling in really nice like: